Friday, 28 June 2013
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Kaniere Flames got burned
Early saturday morning the Kaniere Flames were at Westland High School netball courts practicing drills for their challenging game of netball against St Marrys.As the game started Nikita Towers got aggresively pushed to the ground and not skinnned both her knees.Not long after that Jorja Schroder lost her grip and slipped over.As the half time whistle screached in everybodys ears.The Kaniere Flames were determined to get a goal.The team ran back onto the court and the coach's anxious face melted as they scored their first two goals."Go Kaniere" yelled the spectators at the fantastic team but St Marrys over powered them again.The Kaniere team gritted their teeth and played with determination to win the game.The girls were not very happy as they went up in smoke and lost 29-2
Author Nikita
Early saturday morning the Kaniere Flames were at Westland High School netball courts practicing drills for their challenging game of netball against St Marrys.As the game started Nikita Towers got aggresively pushed to the ground and not skinnned both her knees.Not long after that Jorja Schroder lost her grip and slipped over.As the half time whistle screached in everybodys ears.The Kaniere Flames were determined to get a goal.The team ran back onto the court and the coach's anxious face melted as they scored their first two goals."Go Kaniere" yelled the spectators at the fantastic team but St Marrys over powered them again.The Kaniere team gritted their teeth and played with determination to win the game.The girls were not very happy as they went up in smoke and lost 29-2
Author Nikita
Basketball report
Many spectators and basketball teams gathered at Westland High School gym for some exciting basketball on Friday the 21st of June.
The first game t 4pm was the Hoki Flames vs Kaniere Allstars.When the game first commenced the Kanirer Allstars lost there jump ball.The ball violently swept out of Matthew's hand but centre Rebecca Davis stole the ball and earned the Kaniere Allstars first foul for the game. Minutes later the score looked to be even with 10 to each team. The quater finally came giving the Kaniere Allstars 2 extra points which is a sum of 14.Eventually the Hoki Flames lit the Kaniere Allstars on fire giving them there winning point of 16.The game was won by Hoki Flames.
On a early saturday morning the kaniere flames were at the Westland High school netball courts, warming up for some action.
their competition was st’marys magic. It was time for the cheer “you need a little more practice”(: said the coach. But the team was already evacuating the sideline to the
treacherous court. “PING” the whistle screeched through every bodies ears.
The crowd went SILENT as Kaniere Flames shot goals in like a rocket over and over again.
The other team was overpowered by kaniere and flames hope to come back in sparks for their next game.
Author Nikita & Lydia (:
(This is a three minute story, everybody wrote one about a pic of a car doing a jump over a canyon.)
The old car rumbled along when SUDDENLY!!! I looked up down and the rough massive rocks where like ants bellow, the rusty old car wheels.
Howing wind was racing past my window, as the sun glazed the rusty bonnet.
Right now I agree with everyone else that i am exstremely crazy.
The unexpected journey part 2
Its 5 o'clock in the morning. 'I'm hungry' groaned Zac. Don't worry said Dan. Help will soon be on the way. I bet ya sam whitelock and all the other guys will be having fun on the dune buggy.''Its all my falt'' said cory jane,And mine said ma nonu. Then ma nonu saw a black helicopter drifting down closer and closer to the boat. This was there chance
what am I
what am I have 2 long legs and no face.I can teleport to other places I have no ears and eyes.I have 2 long legs. I have a forest named after me.
earthquakes at the library
At the library two days ago we also got to talk about first aid kits and how to act in a emergency. You should go to a clear space when a earthquake strikes even though the ground could crack.
Hi, it's our 6th day of us creating a time table for ourselves. I really like our new writting topic which is Scary Stories. See ya!
Cavan and Preston Sky Tower
Just finished painting the sky tower it looks good.Just need to put some more windows on.
I have rough skin,
My arms are so small I can't reach my food,
My teeth sink into my victims flesh,
I am from the old age,
Everyone is scared of me,
I have rough skin,
My arms are so small I can't reach my food,
My teeth sink into my victims flesh,
I am from the old age,
Everyone is scared of me,
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Hi I hope you like our blogger have you/YES/NO subscribe yes do.DO IT KNOW
news update
Personally I think the schedule is working really well.Now to the sport from the weekend Josephs rugby team scored one try and the other team scored 5 score 25-5. In basketball the Kaniere all stares lost 16-12 And the Smashers lost 8-7.
Our Day
Hi, today is our 5th day of our choice tasks. I have Just put on 2 more storys so you can check them out.
The museum
On the 25 of June 2013 room1 went to the musuem. We had heaps of fun looking at the things there. We all loved it but the jail man scared some of us.
What happened yesterday!
Hi, did you know that yesterday Rm 1 had a field trip to the Westland District Library? Also we got to watch a small video about "The gold rush" at the museum.At the library we all learnt about civil defense, and natural disasters.The library had even set up a model volcano and we made it explode!
Anyway that was our "Field Trip", Thanks
Anyway that was our "Field Trip", Thanks
Autumn signs
Hi everyone we have been making the autumn poems and now we have them on stands and they are going up around the school. You can make comments on the back which is a whiteboard and we will see them after school days.Please put your name also(e.g Hannah D)There is also profile's about the person's work.We hope you like our work when it's up.
The unexpectected journey part 1
Flight to Coolangatta GoldCoast boarding now.''Come on'' Dan yelled at Zac." thats our flight''.When they boarded the plane they got seated and listened to music and Played xboX.What they did not know was that the power on the plane was not strong enough to stand 2 xboxs and at least 1000 mini tvs . The plane did not have enough power to fly and made the plane dive into a stall.BOOM, It hit the water.Dan & Zac met the only 2 survivors who were Dan Carter & Richie Mccaw . 10 minutes later Ma Nonu came in on the jetski but on the way back it ran out of fuel.So Cory Jane came in on the boat but the got clogged up with seaweed that was very very high.
Matthew Tree Poem
Trees swaying in the winter fleeing wind.
The naked tree stands alone and broken hearted.
The ember leaves burn the frozen hearth.
The mother tree stands old and broken.
The fathers time has time past. The stump that once stood tall and proud,
is now covered with a misty shroud.
Poet: Matthew
my room
As I walk into my musty room to my left 5 big boxes towering over me like a skyscraper.To my right a polished wooden door. By the boxes a wonky wardrobe. In front of me a big blue bed like the Tardis. Old orange cars left to rust in the bowl of water. Some video games that haven’t been played in a decade. The wardrobe grins at me like a monster. Broken cd player that used to boom music out all day long. Leaving my room in horror I stop it’s time to go. That's my room
Author cavan dyer
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Library and Museum Photos
Hi guys, was a great visit to the library and museum today. It was a bonus getting a new drink bottle as well! Thanks to Maire, Jill, Maria, Kathy, Kim, Delia, Annette and Tracey who made it possible by providing transport. I have a few more photos of the day but enjoy these for now. Let me know what you think. Did you see we have almost made it to 2000 views of our blog. Amazing it is only 10 days since we started it!!
Mrs Phelps
Mrs Phelps
Our Day
Hi, just got back from the library and the Mueseam. At the library we learned about different disasters and what to do. The activitys were a Quiz, creating a Tornado in a bottle and my favourite was Creating a volcanic eruption using baking soda and vinager. It was really fun. See ya!
Whats Hapenning
Hey guys! Joseph here.
We just finished doing P.E outside.
It was very physical indeed today.
We dribbled soccer balls around and snuck up on people.
You should do the same thing if you get the chance
We just finished doing P.E outside.
It was very physical indeed today.
We dribbled soccer balls around and snuck up on people.
You should do the same thing if you get the chance
the trip
We just got back from the library and museum it was so cool we got to watch a movie about the early gold miners and how they built Hokitika. In the library we got to make vortexes in a jar and baking soda volcanoes and write a quiz.
cavan's tips
Hi, today at school we are going to the town library and the muesem. If anyone is bored when they get home play happy wheels it is awesome. Or you could read books
Flying Car Chase
The Flying Car Chase
By Matthew
I'm driving up the ramp, “woo” I
yell. I am in the world's first flying car. The wheels turn on their sides ,fire bursts out of the wheels. “I am a true crazy driver ”I say when I land. “Woo
old jumpy rust-bucket actually flew,” says Jarred.
“I told you I would build it,” I say. “Next stop crazy town”. “Nah man”. “I will perfect it some more soon. It will be the most beautiful car in the world."
Later at my garage. “Hey man now what does it look like?” I yell over the clanking noises. “OH MY GOD,” says Jarred. “Looks like an angel aye?” ”Oh yes” “I'll add some wings and a rota-blade. THE TV FLICKERS ON “Latest news report a couple of downtown bad-boys named Jarred curb and Max viola have been playing with tech out of our reach police reports that they will take it and use force if necessary”. “Oh my god” I say. “lets get out of here says jarred. “Okay time to get serious” I say. I pull out my techno-sword. “Take the invisible boosters as well” I say. We load in food , water, laptops and lots of supplies. “alright playtimes over” I say as I press a button a turret come out as well as a rotar and rockets out the back. I equip my techno medium bulletproof armour so I can climb and run fast. Jarred put on heavy armour and a large techno sword we load in all the food we and supplies we can carry. I go get my brothers and sister by the way my brothers names are Tom ,and David my sisters name is Bethany. The top of the garage opens it is dead night I switch in the invisible booster just in case I equip my brothers and sisters with armour and daggers. The car starts to hover we all load in I hear sirens. “GRAB EVERYTHING NOW WE HAVE TO GO”I screeched. We grab remaining food and supplies Bethany stumbles and falls on the ground the car is flying now “get in” yells Jarred. I grab Bethany and throw her to the car then I jump up to it. “ STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW. We zoom away. “Phew finally safe”
“I told you I would build it,” I say. “Next stop crazy town”. “Nah man”. “I will perfect it some more soon. It will be the most beautiful car in the world."
Later at my garage. “Hey man now what does it look like?” I yell over the clanking noises. “OH MY GOD,” says Jarred. “Looks like an angel aye?” ”Oh yes” “I'll add some wings and a rota-blade. THE TV FLICKERS ON “Latest news report a couple of downtown bad-boys named Jarred curb and Max viola have been playing with tech out of our reach police reports that they will take it and use force if necessary”. “Oh my god” I say. “lets get out of here says jarred. “Okay time to get serious” I say. I pull out my techno-sword. “Take the invisible boosters as well” I say. We load in food , water, laptops and lots of supplies. “alright playtimes over” I say as I press a button a turret come out as well as a rotar and rockets out the back. I equip my techno medium bulletproof armour so I can climb and run fast. Jarred put on heavy armour and a large techno sword we load in all the food we and supplies we can carry. I go get my brothers and sister by the way my brothers names are Tom ,and David my sisters name is Bethany. The top of the garage opens it is dead night I switch in the invisible booster just in case I equip my brothers and sisters with armour and daggers. The car starts to hover we all load in I hear sirens. “GRAB EVERYTHING NOW WE HAVE TO GO”I screeched. We grab remaining food and supplies Bethany stumbles and falls on the ground the car is flying now “get in” yells Jarred. I grab Bethany and throw her to the car then I jump up to it. “ STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW. We zoom away. “Phew finally safe”
I say. “No were not!!!!!!!”
screams Jarred. “Take the wheel , ill
take the turret” I say none of them stops me I jump up to the turret two
MISSLES.” I press the heavy gun “GOOD CHOSING “says computer. But first a
missle flies at the car. “AHHHHHHH ” we all yell.
Part two coming soon ... KEEP POSTED
cavan's volcanoes
The volcano spit’s it’s lava out like a cut artery. The volcano burt’s itself like an explosion.The volcano is as hot as a heat ray melting a snowman in the snow.The lava flow’s like a endless stream.the lava spirts out like wild fire.I run for my life as I fear it’s over for good.The lava burns you like a bbq. Melted rocks fly throw the air like fireworks. Volcanoes spit it’s lava like a heart pumping blood.The volcano throws it’s lava like it’s throwing up.
by Cavan Dyer
Monday, 24 June 2013
Blog Presentation - Mrs Phelps
Hi guys, I am sitting at home and reading all the blogs you put up today. It is a great way for me to hear about what you have been up to over the weekend and how your learning is going for you at school.
Just a wee reminder about presentation though. Remember to check that you have included all full-stops, capital letters and checked your spelling before you press that publish button! In other words - proof-read please. If you notice you have made an error after you have published it is possible to go back and edit your work. I can show you how at school tomorrow. Also in regards to comments please remember to say something about the story/writing/picture that gives your reader a little more information than just cool! Tell them what you think is cool! Keep blogging! Mrs Phelps
Just a wee reminder about presentation though. Remember to check that you have included all full-stops, capital letters and checked your spelling before you press that publish button! In other words - proof-read please. If you notice you have made an error after you have published it is possible to go back and edit your work. I can show you how at school tomorrow. Also in regards to comments please remember to say something about the story/writing/picture that gives your reader a little more information than just cool! Tell them what you think is cool! Keep blogging! Mrs Phelps
=Hannahs cross country poem=
=Cross country-poem=
Children run at a perfect pace
Ravenous people watching wait
Over the creeks go the children
Silly children run around playing
Serios adults help the children
Children of ages 5 to 11
Overall other runners they go
Umbrellas no not today
Never a day to not wear a jersey
Try and try to win the children go
Right, then left,they swing past corners
YES! they've finished Harray for Kaniere School children
Children run at a perfect pace
Ravenous people watching wait
Over the creeks go the children
Silly children run around playing
Serios adults help the children
Children of ages 5 to 11
Overall other runners they go
Umbrellas no not today
Never a day to not wear a jersey
Try and try to win the children go
Right, then left,they swing past corners
YES! they've finished Harray for Kaniere School children
Willow Uses
![]() |
Hi, I hope you liked hearing about the different uses for willow. The weirdest to me is the Fuel Use |
SPCA Joseph
2 Kaniere School students have decided that it is time to help the SPCA!
Have you been to the SPCA?
Have you adopted a pet from the SPCA?
The Hokitika SPCA is struggling to help
our little friends find a home.
We need to help them now!
What we need is to give them donations of money, time or food. If you are interested in helping.
see Joseph or Matthew in Room 1 for info or visit or
Help the SPCA now!
By Joseph and Matthew
“Of you go”, says Annette. As Murphy and I near the bowl we sing whistle by Flo Rida. As we enter the bowl I freak out because we are heading to the edge. Luckily we don’t. We fall into a hole in the middle. “It’s not over yet!”, I yell. When we reach the end we get drenched in water.
Next I move onto the hydroslide. As I near the beginning I say to myself, “Ohh, my old enemy, stairs”, so I run up the stairs. Um what to choose out of the normal, or the black hole. Blackhole for sure. “Woh”.
As I slip down the slide I think to myself “I’m going to the lazy river”. As I reach the end I see light and again I get pounded with water. I’m sick of this I say to myself I see Andrew walking around with a towel wrapped around him, but I’m too clogged up with water to bother.
Lazy River
I jump into the lazy river and try to walk clockwise but I get swept back down stream. “Hey Cameron want to do Man vs Wild?”
“Okay man”, Cameron replied.
Nearly there.
“Come on Cameron, I’m coming”. Done! I’m getting dressed
Author: Cavan Dyer
cavan and jake common crab
The Common Crab
Hi, have you ever wanted to know what the name of the crab is that is biting you?
It is called a common crab. Let me tell you about it.
Where it lives
The common crab mostly lives under rocks, behind mud piles, but when it moves, or is under attack, it blends into the ground. That is one of its defence moves.
An average common crab is about 60 cm. The legs are 10 cm long. Its eyes stick out 2 cm long. It uses its eyes for looking around rocks. When it feels threatened it hides under rocks.
The common crab likes to eat sand hoppers,shrimp and dead seagulls.If they are desperate they go into shallow water for sea slugs.
Seagulls are the most common bird to eat the crab. Sometimes the seagull is of target and crash’s and dies, for the crab to eat.
Fun facts:
The scientific name for crab is Brachyura. Crabs like to bite you. If it does, poke it in the eye and it will let go.
In conclusion they are good at surviving.
Author: Cavan Dyer and Jake Cutler
Cross country
Kaniere School finally had there Kaniere School Cross country 2013. We did it at Mr Morrisons farm. It was amazing for Kaniere School.
Hey chilling on the computer looking at all the good work and there is so much of it.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Do you like the things that I have done on my profile leave a comment if you do thanks :)
our explores
For the last few weeks our school has been learning about explores.We have been thinking about what we should do like a play or a slide show or a puppet show. My explorer is Neil armstrong i am doing it with my 2 friends Jodie and Rhiannon.
the big crunch
Last month Kaniere school had a big competition apparently we (New Zealand) broke the world record by bitting into an apple at exactly 2:13 pm. A week later we found out that we were going to be in the record book.Later on in the day the teacher gave our certificates out they told us what place we came for example i was the 6 thousand and 52nd person to bite into an apple.
Hi guys just up to date with the blog date 21 of june :) :( :()
today we are trying out to write our own time table this is the second time and itis working really well.
Mrs.Phelps is thimking of us writing ourown timetable everday. (:
Thursday, 20 June 2013
James Rizzi art
In term one everyone learnt how to draw in the style of an American artist James Rizzi. The finished pictures have certainly brightened up our class!
about me!!!! - Holly
Hi as u know my name is Holly i am nine years old and i love school i am a year five and i am a fan of netball. My hobbies are cooking drawing and painting.My fav subjects is art and writing i enjoy my spare time playing with my netball and gardening. I have a brother he is 7 and he is a year 3. At home i use to have 2 dogs called Molly and fin but Molly went missing up a hill and never came back. I have 2 cats called jack and meg and 26 chickens i have a fav chicken and i named here peach.I hoped u liked reading about me!
Cheers holly!
Cheers holly!
about our pen pals - Holly
our pen pals
room one have been writing to german people and the german people have been writing to us all of room one have a pen pal and the german guys are doing very good at writing english. My pen pal is Serkan by the sound of it he seems really nice he is twelve and he is a year five and so am i. Holly
rhyming poem about the crab - Holly
the crab
I have skin that is really bumpy and my mood is rather grumpy if u start to touch me i will nip or i might even grab your lip u might think i look like a cray but no i live upon the bay i live in the water called salty and my shell is coloured multi no one knows why i walk side ways but still I'm still nothing like
by holly
holly's day
Today we are learning to use a time table by ourselves and apparently it worked out really good!!!
we hope to do it again one day
what am i ?????
what am i?????
i have fur and a sand paper like tounge i can come in all coulours like brown ginger black and grey i love people
can u guess what am i am
Hint : i am an animal
Do you know what an Asteroid is?
It is the scientific name for a starfish. Starfish are marine animals, which live in salty waters, they have many different names such as a sea star an asteroid a starfish and an Echinoderm.
Starfish can be from five to forty arms they aren’t all the same because Echinoderms can be any colour of the rainbow. If sea stars get hurt or loose an arm in a few weeks it will grow back, they can do it because they are regeneration that means a formation of a new organ or a lost part. Starfish do not have any eyes, but do have an eye spot on the end of each arm, eye spots are heaps of tiny cells that have formed together and made an eye spot, star fish are able to see if it is light or dark but can’t see shapes clearly.
Echinoderms are deadly predators to sea urchins, oysters, sea snails and mussels. Starfish are scavengers. Their predators are sharks the sun and sea birds. Sea stars mouths are a little bit down from the middle of them. They also have two stomachs and sea stars aren’t are not picky eaters.
Echinoderms are marine animals that live in salty waters and in tide pools, were the splash zone enters. If you turn a sea star over you will sea the fifteen thousand feet also known as suction pads, attached to the bottom of them, so they can cement themselves onto to hard rocks.
Even though starfish are called starfish they are not a fish because they do NOT have fins, scales
or gills, because they do not have gills have you ever wondered how they breath, well starfish have breathing holes at the end of each arm, and they also have breathing tubes although their bodies.
Starfish are in the Phylum Echinodermata family, so that means they are related to the sand dollars.
Author: Lydia Gordon
Monday morning
Bird’s gossip, door’s slam shut, a TV chat’s. As my eye’s sluggishly flutter open. Silence is destroyred by the thunder of footstep’s. I lethargically ignore. “ Lydia, wake up “, Mum’s command dances around the room as I charge down the hallway to my breakfast that was purched in a streak of sunlight spying through the window, I gulp down my dry’ed toast. Then my arm’s sluggishly flop into my clothes, As my toothbrush crawl’s across my teeth.
I peer across to see Caitlin still half asleep “ oh get over it Caitlin” my voice screeches, as I wander into my bedroom a carpet of crinkled clothes lies in the middle of the floor, I ignore as Caitlin and I make our way to the dusty car. Country side fly’s past on the way to school on a frosty morning.
bye lydia
School is cool today because we made our own time schedules. This means that we got to choose in the order of how we wanted to learn.
School - Blake
At school today we get to choose what we are doing. I think it is good. I have done reading, writing, mathletics and blogging. Blake
Holly's ghost story
Ghosts are real
Once upon a time i was looking in my cupboard and i found some old pictures of myself when i was little. I got the pictures out and scanned them trying to remember when it was, then in the corner of the blurry picture and there i saw with my own eyes a pale lifeless ghost my heart slowed down and then stopped i thought "don't worry Holly i'm just hallucinating" i said to myself.I closed my eyes and slapped myself lightly, i opened my eyes and it was still there. A minute later i fainted.I saw nothing but pitch black darkness,after a while i opened my eyes and a ball of bright sunlight hit me through the crack in the curtains. From that day on i promise to never take a picture ever again.
Once upon a time i was looking in my cupboard and i found some old pictures of myself when i was little. I got the pictures out and scanned them trying to remember when it was, then in the corner of the blurry picture and there i saw with my own eyes a pale lifeless ghost my heart slowed down and then stopped i thought "don't worry Holly i'm just hallucinating" i said to myself.I closed my eyes and slapped myself lightly, i opened my eyes and it was still there. A minute later i fainted.I saw nothing but pitch black darkness,after a while i opened my eyes and a ball of bright sunlight hit me through the crack in the curtains. From that day on i promise to never take a picture ever again.
Hi, it's Judd here, just going to up date my profile :) 20th of June
Dangerous Driver
Dangerous Driver
The day flew like an arrow for me.I saw the small crack in the canyon and asked a friend for help.I had a plan to make me famous,but it did not work out.Heres my plan.Get a ramp,get a buggy and get to the other side of the canyon.I was nervous and I wanted my friend to do it.I reversed the buggy to the edge of the cliff and waited. READY,SET,GO!!! Yelled my friend Preston.I Sliced through the wind like a bullet, up the ramp and into the air.I felt like a free man but something made my heart sink.The ramp,it broke.The buggy was flying straight into the side of the canyon but out of nowhere a plane came right underneath him and lifted him up.He had made it to the other side of the canyon.As soon as he got to the other side the plane immediately blew up.His plan had worked.Soon postcards and e-mails were rolling in.A while later he had huge crowds around him.From then on he stayed happy for life.
The End
Hi my name is Cameron Climo and Iam 10 years old my favourite game is Roblox it is beter than mine craft.I have two dogs and two cats.I have a lot of friends.I like kaniere school it is fun and I like workimg some times.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Three Minutes Writing Preston
If only I had
If only I had a rollercoaster in my backyard. I would name it speed demon. I wish it could travel 250mph. I would sell tickets for $10. It would have rocket launches on the back, There would be 7 corkscrews, 8 loop the loop's, 17 twists and turns. You will face your fear of putting your feet in tar. Only the craiziest will servive. Are you daring enough to complete the challenge
Netball Report
Kaniere Ferns lose again!
On Saturday 18 May Kaniere Ferns and St Maris Diamonds warmed upon the netball courts at the WHS for the second game of the season.
Although it was a glacial morning the crowd on the sidelines kept expanding throughout the display, all trying to get into a good space to survey the show.
The gathered crowd held their breath for most of the game as it was very close. But sadly Kaniere Ferns lost with a score of 5-8.
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