Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The unexpectected journey part 1

Flight to Coolangatta GoldCoast boarding now.''Come on'' Dan yelled at Zac." thats our flight''.When they boarded the plane they got seated and listened to music and Played xboX.What they did not know was that the power on the plane was not strong enough to stand 2 xboxs and at least 1000 mini tvs . The plane did not have enough power to fly and made the plane dive into a stall.BOOM, It hit the water.Dan & Zac met the only 2 survivors who were Dan Carter & Richie Mccaw . 10 minutes later Ma Nonu came in on the jetski  but on the way back it ran out of fuel.So Cory Jane came in on the boat but the got clogged up with seaweed that was very very high.         


  1. Very weird but good anyway but still not much about the story very queazy ):

  2. I thought it was good.
